The Liars And The Recipients Of Lies


Jerome Elwell esq.


Jerome Elwell, the legal gun with a reputation for aiding others in the abuse of incapacitated adults, hired by Dennis Kloss to aid him in his efforts to isolate Joann. As can be seen here Mr. Elwell is claiming that Joann is not being isolated. As you scroll down this page, you will become keenly aware that this statement is completely false and inaccurate. This would indicate one of two possibilities. 1.Either Mr. Elwell is a blatant liar, or 2. Dennis Kloss had committed fraud by client through his misrepresentation of facts to his legal counsel. Joann was in fact being isolated from dozens and dozens of her close friends, and even some family members against her will, and without her knowledge. Her brother was using Mr. Elwell and his bullying techniques to accomplish this goal. As is stated in other areas of this site, Dennis did not want Joann to become aware of his plans for her assets, or of his negligent handling of her health care needs.

Scroll on down to view the fact that Joann was INDEED being isolated. As stated, Mr. Elwell is either being lied to by his client, or he himself was aware of Dennis Kloss’ true actions and intentions, and had chosen to make a known false statement in regards to Joann’s isolation. 

Dennis Kloss


Sociopath extraordinaire and master of all things dishonest. As can be seen here, Dennis Kloss was in fact isolating his sister. His own words state that HE was putting a list together to restrict visitors to only those of which HE approved. It can also be seen that he ordered the locks on her home to be changed. He then ordered his three local minions to not even allow Joann back inside her own home. This was all taking place long before Dennis had even left his home in Michigan and traveled to Phoenix at the END of August 2016. The isolation continued for the remainder of Joann’s all too shortened battle to survive. Joann was not aware that her brother was now choosing and controlling the company she was allowed (by him) to keep. Again, the statement displayed above from Jerome Elwell is an absolute inaccuracy either due to Dennis’ misrepresentation of fact to his legal counsel, or, Mr. Elwell was aware of the isolation demands by his client and chose to state mis-truths in his own communications to all others, including enforcement agencies such as the Phoenix police department and Arizona Adult Protective Services.   

John Hobart


John was Joann’s band-mate and the keyboard player for her band. He was very close to Joann, and had been extremely supportive to her when she navigated the difficult path she had to tread when the love of her life, Tom Powers, fought illness for 14 months, and eventually passed. Dennis by the way, made NO visits to Joann for the entire time Tom was hospitalized. John had known Tom since the early 70’s. He and Jo and Tom had a decades long history. It can be seen in John’s email that Dennis Kloss was clearly the person keeping people away from Joann. People that Joann wanted to see. People who DID help and comfort her when she really needed it. It doesn’t matter that Dennis continually denied this when confronted, that is what was occurring, and exactly in line with his very own statement that HE was going to be choosing the very few visitors (only his three local minions) that HE would allow near Joann. He did not want anyone else to see or communicate with her because he was hiding his actions from her. He continually threatened ANYBODY that he suspected would share any information with her regarding his deceptive and negligent actions. It should be noted that the ONE HOUR “party” John references in this email is the one and only time her band members were allowed to see her. Basically this “party” was more along the lines of a propaganda photo-shoot approved by Dennis, likely under the advice of Mr. Elwell, in order to deflect the isolation accusations they had been bombarded with.  

Gale Rusu


Gale Rusu, another decades long close friend of Joann’s. They had know each other since childhood. Gale was planning to visit Joann, she had already purchased airfare from her home in Michigan to visit Jo in Arizona. She had already arranged with Dennis, who by the way was back in Michigan at this point, to get HIS permission to go visit HER friend. On October 12th, a mere three or four days prior to Gale’s scheduled departure Dennis called her to say that “the doctor” was not allowing any visitors for Jo at that time. That “claim” seemed more than slightly problematic. Especially given the fact that there are no doctors at the facility Jo was warehoused in. It (the Stratford) is an assisted living institution, not a hospital. Beyond that, this institution’s own website had just posted DATED photos of Joann dancing at the Straford on October 11th. What many people began to swiftly learn was that Dennis was now using “the doctor said” excuse when HE decided HE wanted to prevent people from seeing Joann. That way he figured he could not be accused of isolating her like he was. This method of operation quickly became more and more frequent and inventive. Sometimes it was the “doctor said” or “Jo said” or “some nurse said.” It was never Dennis though, it was always someone else.  

More lies from elwell

The bullying tactics deployed by Dennis and his legal counsel against anyone who was advocating for Joann’s right to choose her own plan for timely medical action, her place of residence, and the friends she could spend time with were ruthless. As can be seen here those tactics even employed blatant lies. This letter from Jerome Elwell (top) clearly illustrates this. In it, Mr. Elwell demonstrates his willingness to knowingly make false statements of fact to a third person by stating that he and his client had Joann’s Facebook account closed due to the actions and posts from some of her friends. An attorney knowingly making false statements of material fact to a third person is directly violating Arizona State BAR rules of professional conduct. Furthermore, if Mr. Elwell was aware of his client’s shady activities, which in all likelihood was the case, he had a legal and moral obligation to report that fact to law enforcement to avoid being considered an accessory in aiding and abetting his client in the commission of illegal acts.The TRUTH of the matter is, that once Dennis Kloss, gained possession of Jo’s phone he logged into her account from it, changed HER password, and then destroyed HER intellectual property by removing posts, photos, and deleting her friends. He realized that HER friend’s posts had the potential of exposing the fact that he had banned all but his hand chosen and sworn to secrecy three local minions from visitation, and that he was keeping her forcefully isolated from the outside world. He did not want Joann to become aware of these actions. It must be clearly understood that no such posts ever appeared on Jo’s page PRIOR to Dennis’ hijacking her account. THIS PRIVATE PAGE, to which Jo had no access, is where her 260 plus friends were expressing concerns over her forced isolation and the lack of her receiving timely medical treatment.  The email communication from Facebook Security itself (center) which by the way was one and a half months AFTER Mr. Elwell’s untrue claim that he and his client had the account taken down in September, clearly indicates that Mr. Elwell’s letter of September 28, 2016 was completely and knowingly false. Facebook had received a multitude of complaints from many of Joann’s family and friends regarding the unusual account activity. Once it was verified that this criminal cyber-activity was originating from an I.P. address located in Haslett, Michigan, 2000 miles away from the account owner, Facebook pulled the plug on the account in November. The knowingly false statement contained in Jerome Elwell’s letter was nothing more than a feeble attempt to cast blame onto someone other than his client, who’s motive for the destruction of Joann’s account was to conceal his true activities from her.          



One more of the many longtime and close friends of Joann’s. Just like Jo, she is a lover of music, she is actually a teacher of music, was Jo’s neighbor, and 25 year plus close friend. Like many, she was able to maintain contact with Dennis, at least for a while. She had been told by Dennis that she would be “allowed” to visit Joann. That is until at the last minute, as she was preparing to go see Jo. Dennis, who was once again back at his home in Michigan, suddenly changed HIS mind, and came up with one of his all too used “doctor said,” “some nurse said,” or “Jo said.” excuses why she could not go visit her dear friend to offer her support and comfort. Dennis would always reinforce HIS decisions by phoning the gatekeepers where he had institutionalized Joann and instruct them to keep all but his hand chosen three remote controlled local underlings away from Joann. Dennis himself did not have the slightest clue who the people and some family were that he was depriving his sister from seeing. He only knew or suspected that they may expose his deplorable actions regarding his lack of timely and effective efforts related to Joann’s medical care.



Another victim that fell prey to the vengeful actions of Dennis Kloss. Evelyn was one of Jo’s dearest and closest friends. Unlike Dennis, she was there for Jo when she had to navigate the extremely difficult months throughout her soulmate Tom Powers’ battle to stay alive (2013 thru 2014). She remained close to her after Tom’s passing as well. Something that Joann never really got over.

Evelyn was a massive lifter of Joann’s spirits whenever she was down. They went on numerous road trips together. They referred to themselves as “Thelma and Louise” when on the road. Joann traveled to California with Evelyn and her fiance to attend their destination wedding that was held in that state. Evelyn was also part of the small group of close friends that Joann had invited to the private and somber ceremony of spreading some of her beloved Tom Powers’ ashes off the coast of southern California.

Joann would have been greatly comforted had Evelyn been “allowed” to visit her and share the love, support, optimism, and strength she had to offer to Jo. Dennis had no idea whatsoever of who Evelyn was. He did not know her at all, nor did he have a clue regarding the length, breadth, or depth of Jo’s friendship with her. Dennis CARELESSLY deprived his sister of what Jo’s closest and dearest friends and family had to offer her during the darkest and most difficult time of her life. The ONLY thing Dennis cared about was his ability to stay home in Michigan, and not have to worry that someone in Phoenix would expose his negligence, selfishness, and the forced isolation he had imposed upon his sister. It meant nothing to him that he allowed his sister’s last days on this earth to be spent with her wondering why so many of her friends didn’t seem to care enough to come and see her. As long as he was home scott free without his sister ever discovering the truth of his negligence, and his viscous actions was all that mattered to him. Her emotional well being was insignificant as far as he was concerned. 



The very lady and close friend of Joann’s who, unlike Dennis, had agreed to put her life on immediate hold to help Joann attempt to survive. Early on, when Jo’s tumor was still in an operable state, she and Jo had arrived at an agreement that Jeanette would live with Joann. This would have allowed Jo to be in her preferred and familiar surroundings during rehabilitation and follow up outpatient treatments. This arrangement would have only worked of course if the surgical option had been pursued before the tumor was allowed to spread as it did for an entire month prior to Dennis’ unconscionable late arrival in Phoenix. Dennis NEVER allowed Jeanette to go visit his sister. Again, a person who he had no idea of who she was, the caliber of the friendship that existed between her and Jo, or the comfort that she would have provided to her. HE deprived his sister from this benefit based only on HIS suspicion that his negligence and viciousness might be (rightfully) revealed to Joann.

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